Archived Cases

Our History. It has been an incredible journey from the construction of modified starch reactors in the 1960s and our first  turnkey starch factory in Denmark in the late 1980s to today. Over fifty production facilities have been established, producing native starches, modified starches, and glucose. These cases highlight some of the steps along this exciting path. We hope you will join us.

1968: Reactors for the wet-modification of starch

In Karup in 1968, the first Danish factory for the production of wet-modified starches was inaugurated.
The reactors were made of Polypropylene (PP) and externally reinforced with fiberglass. 

The factory was later relocated to Brande and became part of a significantly expanded production facility for modified starches.

1990: Potato Starch Factory Triples Production

Potato Starch Factory Triples Production After DKK 67 Million Investment

The cooperative Potato Starch Factory in Southern Jutland, Toftlund, has invested DKK 67 million in an expansion project that triples its production capacity to over 200,000 tons, with an expected output of 150,000 tons this year. This significant investment allows the factory to sell potato starch worth DKK 120-130 million.

The factory's expansion includes new reception and washing facilities, extraction, refining, and drying systems, making it one of the most modern and automated in the world. The project, designed in collaboration with KMC Starch Engineering [now International Starch Institute A/S] and Swedish inventor Gosta Larsson, also features an energy-efficient natural gas-based drying system with a recovery unit.

The increased production necessitates a larger supplier base, now involving 400 farmers, including a growing number from Germany, up from the previous 200. The supplier network is expected to expand further in the coming years.

This information is from an article published in the newspaper Børsen on November 27, 1990.

www Link

1996 Tianjin Tingfung Starch Development Co Ltd
The company is located in the Economic Development Zone Tianjin, 300000 China Tianjin Tingfung Starch Development Co. Ltd. manufactures and distributes modified starch products. The Company applies its products to instant foods, frozen foods, dairy products, dressings, and fried product fields. Business began in 1996 and our company has supplied advanced equipment and know-how from Denmark to manufacture various series of modified starch and instant starch from native potato starch, native tapioca starch, waxy maize starch and regular corn starch.

www Link 

2001 Ayensu Starch to be the first in Ghana
The starch was marketed by
International Starch Trading A/S
Ayensu Starch (ASCo) 

Cassava starch plant to be the first in Ghana.         
President John Kufuor established a working group "Presidents Special Initiative (PSI)" to promote the agro-food industry. We have just built the Redhill factory in South Africa as the first modern cassava starch factory in Africa and PSI decided to follow up on that success and introduce the same technology in Ghana. The initiative was backed up by government, farmers, local banks and others. From the Danish side Danida went in with a comprehensive three-year training package. This package included, inter alia approach to the use of effluent as fertilizer on farmland by land spreading and methods to monitor fertilizer efficiency as well as any nitrogen leakage to sub soil waters.

www Link

2006 Ekha Farms
Ekha Farms

Located east of Lagos this factory is dedicated to the production of glucose syrups from cassava roots.

www Link

2010 Swaziland
Swaziland Cassava. 

This factory in Swaziland has a capacity of 4 tons of native starch per hour. For the first time in the cassava industry, we introduced efficient rotating drums for washing the roots in the same way as we have used for decades for washing potatoes in our home market in Denmark. Likewise, we used high-efficiency hydrocyclones to refine the starch. The result was starch of high international quality.

Video Link www Link

2018 Crest Agro
Crest Agro

The factory is located in Nigeria and is processing cassava to native starch.

  Video (1) Link Video (2) Link www Link

2023 AKV
AKV Langholt 

AKV Langholt is the northernmost of Denmark's four potato starch factories and has approx. 185 members mainly resident in Vendsyssel and Himmerland. AKV has its factory facilities at Langholt north of Aalborg. AKV Langholt produces potato starch based on deliveries of potatoes from the factory's members. The potatoes are delivered to the factory in the period September to December, the so-called campaign period, during which potato starch is produced around the clock.

www Link