ISI Menu

Starch Tables 
Starch Slurry Concentration at 60 oF (15,6oC) - Link
Density Wheat, Potato, Corn and Tapioca Starch Slurries - Link
Density Cornstarch slurry - Link
Density Wheat Starch Slurry - Link
Steam Table - Link

Smiley, Fødevarestyrelsen Kontrolrapport - Link

Archived cases
Ayensu Starch Ghana - Link 
Gulkevichsky - Link 
AKV -  Link 
Karup - Link 
AKS - Link 
Crest Agro - Link 
Swaziland - Link 
Ekha Farms - Link 
Tianjin Tingfung Starch Development Co Ltd. - Link

Technical Memoranda (TM)
TM01-10e Tapioca Starch Production  - Link
TM05-1e Potato Starch - Link
TM18-6e Starch Wet Milling - Link 
TM25-1e Tables  - Link

Lab Methods
Lab Methods Index Link 
ISI 44-1e Determination of Whiteness by Reflection Link
ISI 41-1e Determination of COD Link
ISI 40-1e Determination of Residual Juice in Potato Starch Link
ISI 39-1e Determination of Conductivity of Starch Link
ISI 38-3e Determination of Cold Water Solubles by Viscometer Link
ISI 37-1e Determination of Colour of Adjunct Syrup. Link
ISI 34-1e Determination of Baumé of Starch Slurry by Aerometer Link
ISI 33-2e Determination of Baumé of Starch Slurry by Centrifugation Link
ISI 32-1e Determination of Starch Size Distribution by Screening Link
ISI 31-1e Determination of Total Viable Count Link
ISI 30-2e Determination of Heat Resistant Spore Count Link
ISI 28-1e Determination of Reducing Sugar, DE by Luff-Schoorl's method. Link
ISI 27-1e Determination of Reducing Power and DE by Lane and Eynon's method. Link
ISI 26-5e Determination of pH in Starch and Syrup Link
ISI 25-2e Preparation of Starch from Tubers Link
ISI 24-1e Determination of Protein by Kjeldahl Link
ISI 23-1e Determination of Alkali Lability Link
ISI 22-1e Determination of Starch in Fruitwater by Ewers Link
ISI 21-1e Determination of Sand in Starch Link
ISI 20-1e Determination of Sulphur Dioxide in Starch Link
ISI 19-6e Determination of Viscosity of Starch by Brabender Link
ISI 18-1e Determination of Hydroxyethyl Content in Starch Link
ISI 17-1e Determination of Viscosity of Starch by Brookfield Link
ISI 16-2e Determination of Alkali Fluidity Link
ISI 15-1e Determination of Aldehyde Groups in Starch Link
ISI 14-2e Determination of Acetyl Content Link
ISI 13-2e Determination of Starch in Tubers by Under Water Weight - Link
ISI 12-1e Determination of Acidity - Link
ISI 11-1e Determination of pH and Acid Factor of Starch Link
ISI 10-2e Determination of Carboxyl Groups in Starch Link
ISI 09-2e Determination of Fibre in Starch by Weight Link
ISI 08-3e Determination of Fibre in Starch as Fibre Number Link
ISI 07-2e Determination of Starch in Pulp by Ewers Link
ISI 06-1e Determination of Dry Matter in Syrup by Refractive Index Link
ISI 05-2e Determination of Dry Matter in Oven at 105 oC Link
ISI 04-1e Determination of Dry Matter in Starch Syrup in Vacuum Oven at 70 oC - Link
ISI 03-1e Determination of Sulphated Ash in Starch at 525 oC Link
ISI 02-1e Determination of Ash in Starch at 900 oC - Link
ISI 01-1e Determination of Dry Matter in Starch by Oven Drying at 130 oC - Link